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CLUB OF THE MONTH Recognizing Leadership 



Want to Join a Club?

Clubs are a great way to get involved.
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Feast and Joust

October 7th

In order for your club to be successful, communicating not only with your ICC President and Vice President is essential, but also communication amongst the members of your club.  If you are a club president, they will be looking to you for direction and you will be a role model for them.  Setting a good example of strong communication skills will allow events to run smoothly within and outside your club's requirements.  It also strengthens a club's stablility.

In order for your club to be successful, communicating not only with your ICC President and Vice President is essential, but also communication amongst the members of your club.  If you are a club president, they will be looking to you for direction and you will be a role model for them.  Setting a good example of strong communication skills will allow events to run smoothly within and outside your club's requirements.  It also strengthens a club's stablility.


Amongst meeting minutes, flyers, papers, and documents that must be signed, due dates will accumulate and deadlines will approach.  Be sure to know what is going on.  Your ICC President and VP will always remind you and be there to help assist you.  However, it is your responsibility to remind yourself and hold yourself accountable to be sure to follow through.  Organization will permit you to fluidly act when paper work is due.

Coding Club- Coding Club remains a consequential component of the Foothill technological scene. Their weekly meetings provide interested students with an opportunity to learn about the realm of coding



Try to remember your club was orignially made for a reason.  YOU had an idea and wanted to share it with others.  Attempt to allow your club to extend and reach out to the community around you.  Volunteer hours are required for each club.

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